15 Signs You’re a Book Addict

From Which There is Little Chance of Recovery

You want them. You crave them. You need them!

We’re talking about books…right? That all-consuming need to get your hands on a sexy hardback book and slip its dust jacket off before opening it up.

Let me start this first meeting of bookaholics anonymous off. Hi, I’m Jasmina and I’m a bookaholic. If you, like me, have noticed these fifteen warning signs, you’re a bookaholic too. But don’t worry, because books are awesome.

1) You carry a book with you at all times. Because you never know when a party might get boring.

2) Nothing bonds you to someone faster than discovering you like the same book. Book friends = best friends.

3) You have a system of tracking how many and which books you read. Be it a spreadsheet or a journal, you’re dedicated to your system.

4) When you go on vacation, at least 50% of your suitcase is books. Who needs a toothbrush or a change of clothes?

5) Your TBR pile is more like a TBR mountain. Or, hey, maybe it’s a barricade to keep out unwanted visitors while reading.

6) Your dream home is pretty much a giant library. We’re talking Beauty and the Beast or George Lucas’ library at the Skywalker Ranch.

7) You love book covers so much you own multiple editions of the same book. Because they’re pretty.

8) You have a strong opinion on how a bookshelf should be organised. By colour or author’s last name? And then, how to account for genre.

9) Over 80% of any wish list is comprised of books. Who needs clothes and technology anyway?

10) If you go into a bookshop, you end up leaving with at least five books more than you planned on buying. Oops…

11) Some of your best friends aren’t ‘real’. This is just how non-book addicts would put it. They’re real to us.


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